Tekstweergave van GA-1934_JB031_00140

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11. ...PWJtDna D“)D hs o*n& DnCD (Two epistles unto great men of Britanie .... Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of their Lord: To break the soule unto the hungry lewes, by their writinges, or by their charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the Creation of the world 5532) (1606). 4°- 26 blz. (Wijnman 33). De signatuur sluit aan bij het vorige werk; de Engelsche vertaling is afzonderlijk verschenen. De eerste brief is gericht pK roSo 'ïjn* onnsn DDtmrruvn ha 'n'Y' hn'Sjjk (to the right honorable the temporal lords of the Q. of Englandes most excellent privey counsell). De tweede: ha tOÖ’JtO'in (jnV (to the Archbishop Whitgift). 12. The Lamenta/tiones of leremy,/translated with great/care of his Hebrew ele - gancie, and/oratorious speaches: wherin his sixfold/Alphabet Stirreth/all to atten - tion, /of Gods ordered/Providence in Kingdomes/confusion./With explicationes/ from other Scriptiones,/touching his story &/phrases./By Hughßroughton/1606. 4°. (44) blz. Met opdracht aan the most noble Henry prince of Great Britain. Komt in uitvoering veel overeen met A comment upon Coheleth (nr. 4). Hierop wijst ook de mededeeling van Broughton op blz. 5: And him I joyned to Koheleth. Also I fmished that work which was sent over to your G. in Ebrew and Latin which handleth Davids Families and Daniels summe. De vertaling van de Klaagliederen vangt aan op blz. 13, de commentaar, die een aantal Hebreeuwsche woorden bevat, is in margine gedrukt. 13. The Lamentati/ons of leremy, transla/ted with great care/of his Hebrew ele - gancie,/and oratorious speaches:/wherein his sixfold/alphabet stirreth/all to atten - tion,/of Gods ordered/Providence in Kingdomes/confusion./With/explications/ from other Scriptiones./touching his story and/phrases./Bij Hugh Broughton/1608. 4°. 44 blz. Verschilt slechts wat titelblad betreft van het vorige nr. 78