Tekstweergave van GA-1928_JB025_00078

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„was an ox which (pissed) 1 strongly, men tendmg the cow and ox, as also digging; „on the other side a buil which roared, a cow and her calf which lowed, a cock stood „overhead which crowed, but hoarsely; we were then brought down to the water - „work, where was a ball tossed and danced two yards high by the strength and „force of the water-spot; proportion of the sun in water, but before, the proportion „of the globe, then of the sun, of the half-moon, of a star much to the life, of a crown „which was danced one yard and dim high; two yards carned up, descended soaring; „two boys sat opposite one to the other about three yards distant, which (pissed) „stoutly one at the other, one upon the other; a woman out of whose breast water „sprung; divers beasts placed upon the rails round about whereon we leaned, out „of all whose mouths water strongly sprung, and was carried two or three yards: „and in the mid, out of the very top of the work, the water did spring directly upward „three yards: in this work did the water issue at least in forty or fifty places. A li - „vely representation of the five wise and five foohsh virgins; the one having oil „plentifully, the other wanting; the first received, the second repulsed. Adam and „Eve, and the frogs and toads, which strongly spit out their venon; overhead a flat „roof, on which placed a turret, to which you ascend by stairs made of iron-bars „in a narrow compass, and so walk to a httle cabm covered overhead, open on all „sides, that the wind may not have ever much power over it; and by a wooden ladder „you ascend to the top of this also. Here is a commandmg prospect twelve yards „higher than the roof ; this supported by four pillars, strengthened with some bars „of iron”. Wie was deze joviale oude heer met den wonderlijken naam „Yantunus”, Doops - gezind ex-professor in het Arabisch, en waar was zijn door Brereton met blijkbare belangstelling bezichtigd „museum te Amsterdam gevestigd? Inde bestaande stadsbeschrijvingen van Amsterdam vindt men omtrent een en ander niets vermeld. Vreemdelingen, die inde eerste helft der 17e eeuw Amsterdam bezochten, schenen echter zelden te verzuimen het huis van „Yantunus met een bezoek te vereeren. J. N. Jacobsen Jensen 2 somt althans behalve Brereton nog twee buitenlanders op, 1 De preutsche Engelsche uitgever van Brereton heeft dit woord geschrapt. Onze voorouders waren echter in dit opzicht minder preutsch: men denke aan het bekende beeld van Manneke-Pis te Brussel (1619). Ook schilderijen van onze beste meesters hebben tafereelen, als inden text beschreven, vereeuwigd (Potter s „La Vache qui pissein de Hermitage; Rembrandts „Roof van Ganymedes" in het Museum te Dresden etc.). 2 J. N. Jacobsen Jensen, Reizigers te Amsterdam (1917), no. 35, 38 en 41. 30